March 29, 2025

Data Security Workshop: International Women’s Day 

Data security is a critical topic that everyone should be aware of. Cyber-attacks and security breaches are on the rise throughout the world, impacting every industry. It is critical that every sector and people understand data security and how to protect data. 

Understanding Data Security is important for this technology, Internet and Digitization era. Data security, among other things, helps to protect sensitive data, prevents computer hacking, and defends against viruses.  

Because it is powered by human intelligence, Cynical Technology and Bugv have been able to strengthen the country’s security infrastructures. We link businesses with cyber security professionals, ethical hackers, and bug bounty hunters from all over the world.  

“If you have the knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” –Margaret Fuller

To honor International Women’s Day on March 8, 2022, Bugv, in partnership with Women in Big Data, held a data security training session for its female members. Women in Big Data is a women-led organization aiming to give women practical opportunities in the field of big data. In all, 36 Amnesty Nepal members from various groups and youth networks in Kathmandu valley took part in the event ‘Belt Your Data.’ The event’s goal was to improve attendees’ understanding of data and data security. Mr. Naresh Lamgade, the founder of Bugv and Cynical Technology, was the event’s lead trainer and was able to provide a wealth of information on data security. He emphasized the need of using a strong password, two-factor authentication, a Virtual Private Network (VPN), and exercise caution in order to avoid phishing attacks and other viruses 

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