March 28, 2025

Rojgari Started Bug Bounty Program

Rojgari is a national employment agency working to empower job seekers with a wide range of employment-related information and service, particularly jobs counseling, soft skills training, and employment match-making.

Bugv is a crowdsourcing security platform which brings national and international ethical hackers in one space”. Its main aim is to provide a secure cyber space for all the e-commerce and online companies in Nepal. This will provide better and safer online services where the companies can keep their product on the platform to check if there are any bugs or glitches”. It provides a crowdsourcing cyber security platform to connect business with cyber security experts from all over the world to find any bugs, errors or glitches and prevents from exploitation from any unethical hackers. With over 3000 researchers and ethical hackers from Nepal and abroad registered in this program, Bugv has 15 companies registered to it for security testing and the numbers is growing. Some of the major companies and startup are registered to this program.

Rojgari is a national employment agency working to empower job seekers is willing to pay Nrs. 10,000 for finding a single bug in its website according to Naresh Lamgade, founder of Bugv. Through this, Rojgari is confident to provide a safer and secure service to its user and jobseekers.

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